Bluebirds make their home in a yellow school birdhouse, cardinals nest in a fancy blue birdhouse, and goldfinches perch on a cute red cottage birdhouse. Black-capped chickadees fly by in search of an unoccupied nesting spot. Surrounding them is a beautiful spring garden filled with red, white, and pink cosmos flowers, and white dogwood.
Primary colors are those that cannot be created by mixing other colors. There are three primary colors, red, yellow, and blue. Green, as I'm sure you know, is created my mixing blue and yellow. Thus, green is not a primary color. Purple, of course, is made from red and blue. However, there are no colors you can mix together to create blue or yellow or red. We must start with these three colors and from there all other colors can be created. Today we can create these colors synthetically but for much of human history we had to start with existing natural substances such as minerals like cobalt for blue, or berry juice for red. Often substances that produced dyes were hard to find. Another way they used to adorn their outfits was with bird feathers. The primary colors are found in many bird species, some the most popular ones show here. This is why I decided to name this painting Primary Colors.