The Texas State Bird & Flower, a mockingbird sitting among Texas Bluebonnet Lupine. (Copyright and website text will NOT appear on prints and products)
The Texas Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) was designated the official bird of Texas in 1927. Mockingbirds, as their name implies, are extraordinary at copying the songs of other birds and can learn and sing up to 200 songs. The mockingbird is found throughout much of the southern United States, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Mockingbirds are brave birds and like to harrass potential predators. I used to live in Southern California and it was not uncommon to see a mocking bird dive-bombing and harrassing a pet cat sunning itself on the hood of a car. Usually the cat stayed put, doing nothing more than looking annoyed. But the mockingbirds were relentless and often the cat would eventually get fed up enough to leave the area and go find a more peaceful place to snooze in the sun.